Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weekending in Prague

Well, we finished our first week of classes. It's really nice to have some free time. While so far it has been great, it's tiring, and not a lot of time to do touristy things. I haven't yet stormed the Castle, gone to the Loreto, OR the Church of our Lady Victorious(where the Infant of Prague is) or seen the Mucha exhibit. I have yet to go to a concert, but I will. Plans for the weekend are to go to Terezin on Saturday with some of the class, and then on Sunday find a Mass schedule and tour the castle.
I'm looking forward to 'storming da castle' and going to Mass. I'm not sure if I will go to the Loreto or the Church of our Lady Victorious. But I'm leaning toward the latter. I know the Mass schedule there, and they have it in several languages. Mass in Czech would be challenging to say the least. I can barely say thank you correctly in Czech. Although with Mass I know WHAT they are saying.
So probably go for the English Mass at noon then hang around to storm the castle.

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